Thursday, September 6, 2012


Hello all!

Welcome to my blog! I will be using this website to keep you up to date on massage therapy and its beneficial effects as well as what is going on at the clinic (Healthy Foundations). It has been an exciting start to my new career. I have had the pleasure of starting my clinic in with two phenomenal naturopathic doctors - Dr. Susan Joyce and Dr. Dana Marshall. What is a naturopath you ask? I asked the same question some time ago and I found their website's frequently asked questions link had some great answers for me. Here you will find answers to some of the questions they hear most often. I believe the benefits of what they do are so great that if nothing else, you should at least check out their website. They specialize in the treatment of women, especially in their childbearing years, and hormone balancing for those who are past those years. They treat all kinds of people with all kinds of ailments so it is definitely worth checking out. At Healthy Foundations we are "Providing our patients with the foundations for good health".
For more information on Healthy Foundations click here.

As for the massage therapy end, I am excited to let you know that things are moving forward. I am seeing new clients roll in, and still have space for more! If you would like to make an appointment, feel free to call me at 705-875-1673 (if I do not answer I may be in a treatment so please leave a message and I will call you back), or by email at For pricing please check out the page along the top bar called "pricing". For more information on what RMTs can treat, feel free to check out the FAQ or click here.

I look forward to meeting you!

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